How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Potential hazard
Who is at risk?
Risk rating out of 10
(1-minor &
Likelihood Rating (1-Not likely
& 10-likely)
Preventative measures
Could trip over the
Any of the production
team could easily trip over the equipment, especially if focusing on filming
a scene. This would also damage the equipment.
5/10. The severity of
the injury would be fairly unpredictable.
8/10. It is highly
likely that when filming, someone could not be looking at the floor and
focusing on filming instead. Therefore, you could easily trip over.
To minimise the
damage on equipment, our production team and actors, we will ensure that all
wires/lose equipment are out of the way where possible, and when walking over
the wires, that full attention is payed during any dangerous areas.
or broken debris
The production team
plus the actors. Debris could include; broken glass or abandoned furniture etc.
This could be a hazard as anyone could trip and possible sharp edges could be
painful to walk into or fall onto.
Again, the severity of the injury would be fairly unpredictable.
It isn’t that likely that someone could be harmed by this, due to us avoiding
all danger immediately.
Ensure that all
debris is not accessible and if any sharp edges do pose as a threat, ensure
the production team and actor know about it so that they can be cautious when
filming in those areas.
could harm members if used irresponsibly
of the production team or actors, if they are behaving immaturely.
4/10. The props could harm someone if used forcefully.
This hazard is fairly unlikely, due to all members being mature and
will be prevented due to the actors and production team being mature, and if
their behaviour does become immature, then the filming will be stopped and
the person will be warned/removed.