Magazine advert construction
Last Tuesday I had to choose an appropriate image to feature for the magazine advert. This involved in myself having to examine the shots in which were taken a couple of weeks ago and then which photo's would look more presentable. I therefore decided that it would be wise to use the same image that will be used for the digipak's front, as this would enable the audience to recognise the image and hopefully associate it with the album. In addition, after researching into other artist's and their music advertisement, I also noticed that using the same image for different types of advertisement was particularly common.
Following this I uploaded the chosen image onto Adobe Photoshop C4, which is the software that will be used throughout the editing stage. This image can be seen below, however this is original shot pre-editing:
After uploading the image onto the software, I began to play around with the numerous effects and styles. Although, I soon came to the conclusion that I liked how the image looked originally, and felt that changing the brightness,contrast etc didn't do the shot any favours. The reason for this is due to the model being presented more in the sunlight, whilst the background has remained darker. This then results in the model to stand out more and therefore the audience's attention will be drawn to her.

I then decided to chose an appropriate font and colour which I felt related to the artist's genre and theme of the album. I then found an ideal serif font which was eye-catching and could be considered as playful and bubbly. This is how I am aiming to represent the artist as and therefore felt that this was the right style to choose. Following this I had to decide whereabouts the text should feature on the image; firstly I placed the artist's name in the top left window pannel and then the album's name in the top right, however then felt that this didn't look quite right. So I then decided that the artist's name should feature above the model and the name should feature at the bottom of the wall. Furthermore, I chose the colour pink as this is stereo-typically associated with femininity and passion, and I also felt that the background is fairly messy and scruffier, so therefore wanted to present the artist as still having a feminine side.

Taking into consideration the convention's of a magazine advert, I felt that it was necessary to include some informative text that would provide the audience with more information about the album. For example the top text says;' The new album by', this bold, capitalised serif font is eye-catching and makes the audience aware of the new release. I also felt that making this text a different colour would also draw in more attention. Furthermore, the bottom text says; 'Featuring the no'1 hit 'gangsta' ', which is a popular song that is included on the album. This therefore has been included due to perhaps the audience already having an acknowledgment of the song and therefore could result in them being more encouraged to listen to the whole album.