Magazine advert analysis- Lady Gaga ' THE FAME MONSTER'

The image above is a magazine advertisement for Lady Gaga's 2009 album 'The Fame Monster'. In this advertisement Lady Gaga is presented in two different images. The top image uses a close up shot of Gaga and this enables the audience to view her costume, hair and make up. Although, due to the artist wearing an unusual and eye-catching wig and costume, this then hides her forehead,eye-brows and mouth, therefore only her eyes and nose is visible. The reason for this may be due to Lady Gaga wanting to be represented as mysterious and original and therefore doesn't want to fully expose herself to the camera. In addition, Lady Gaga is also shown to take up the majority of the frame in this image and this is possibly due to her wanting the audience's attention to be only on her. Gaga is also shown to be giving the audience direct address, which makes the advert more engaging and personal, therefore encouraging the audience to purchase the album.
Furthermore, the black and white filter applied over this footage makes the advert more serious and dramatic and this helps to make the advertisement more effective and engaging. Overall, the style of this image is fairly futuristic and therefore could perhaps reach out to both the male and female audience.
In the second image, another close up shot has been used to show Lady Gaga. This again enables the audience to view her hair and makeup and the positioning of her hand on her hair. Furthermore, this particular body language represents Gaga is being graceful, delicate and feminine. I then noticed that this feminine theme is also shown via Gaga's large flower, which is positioned on the other side of her head, and flowers are stereo-typically associated with elegance, grace and delicacy, which is perhaps how the artist wanted to be presented. Although, the colour of the rose is black, and this colour is usually associated as being Gothic and mysterious and therefore portrays Gaga as being unique, which helps make the advertisement more engaging.
The typography in this advertisement uses a reverse-bloc to present the white, bold , sans-serif text; 'LADY GAGA'. This text happens to be the largest and most eye-catching due to it being positioned in the center of the advert , and this may have been done so that the audience immediately see's her name. Furthermore, the use of capitalised letters makes the advertisement more dramatic and effective, and therefore is more likely to engage the audience. Below this text, the name of the album is featured, although in the word 'Monster' the 't' has been replaced with a crucifix cross, possibly to represent Lady Gaga as a follower of religion and especially the Devil which is mentioned in numerous songs of hers. This also makes the text more effective and engaging. Furthermore, the advertisement mentions the names of two popular tracks from the album, as well as another artist in which she collaborates with, Beyonce. This therefore could attract a wider audience, that follows Beyonce and could encourage them to listen to the album.
I also noticed how the magazine advertisement includes images of the actual album cover, so that the audience can be informed about it's appearance,if they are wanting to purchase her music. What I also like is how the advert includes; 'now available at all good music retailers' which suggests that Lady Gaga's music is such a success, that It can be only purchased from the well-known retailers, that are also fans of her work. Therefore this light-hearted wittiness makes the advert more entertaining and encourages the audience to purchase her album.