Thursday, 29 September 2016

Preparation for filming


Last Monday, Hannah and I purchased a few props from online, that were required for the day of filming. This included; two bandana's (red&black) and two balaklava's (black), which were to be worn by the female actors throughout the extract. We also bought a packet of bubble gum from our local shop and took some practise shots to check whether we could create the effect which was desired. We also did the same with the shisha smoke, again to ensure that this looked approraite on the camera. 

On Tuesday, we collected the equipment, which included; the camera, case/charger, SD card and the tripod. Even though we already had an understanding about how to use the equipment appropriately and safely, Hannah took home the items home and decided to just  double check that everything worked and reminded herself how to adjust the tripod's height and the camera's settings. This therefore ensured that we were organised and prepared for the next day (filming).  

In addition we also decided to film our footage at 12pm instead of 2:15pm. The reason for this was due to Hannah and myself, as well as the other actors, having a day off school and therefore felt that starting at an earlier time meant that we could film more footage and ensure that what we had captured was acceptable to use within the extract. 

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Camera movement practice shots

Practice shots

A close up shot has been used in this image, to present Hannah wearing a red bandanna. This particular type of shot has been practiced, due to us aiming to use this certain shot a numerous amount of times throughout the music video. We both feel that this particular shot is very significant, due to it enabling the audience to view the actors/costume in great detail, and therefore, hopefully gaining more attention.

A low-angle mid shot has been used in this image, again presenting Hannah, however this time holding a baseball bat, and wearing a different coloured bandanna. This particular type of shot has been practiced, due to us aiming to use this certain angle near the start of the music video.This angle has great significance, due to it usually representing the main person as superior, independent and dominant. All in which are terms we would like to be attached with the female actors. 


An extreme close up has been used in this shot, and this time is mainly focusing on the toy gun, and slightly blurring Hannah in the background. This particular type of shot has been practiced, due to it sometimes being difficult for the camera to completely focus on item/person you want it to. Therefore we now feel more confident in using this particular shot, and are ready for filming the actual video.                        

Filming schedule

Wednesday's filming schedule (28th)

We have come up with a filming schedule which will help us be more organised and save time on the day of filming. Although we don't know how long the filming will actually take, we have just made a brief and estimated timings. In addition, myself and Hannah, as well as the other actors, are aware that problems could take place during the filming, therefore we may not follow this schedule to the exact timings. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Ideas pitch & feedback

In order to present myself and Hannah's initial ideas for our music video, we decided to create a visual mood board on SlideShare, which could be presented to our classmates on the main projector. We felt that this was significant as it would allow us to receive numerous feedback about our ideas and what we can alter/improve to ensure that our idea was effective and professional. Furthermore, after presenting our slide we received a lot of positive responses regarding our ideas. For example, one of our class mates said that it was "a really good idea and I think the props and costume will look great if pulled off well". Another classmate also liked our idea and felt that "it sounds like a good idea and think the music you've chosen will work well with your narrative and representations". 

Make up practise

Makeup practice for Wednesday 

Today me and Hannah decided that we should utilise our time, by practicing numerous styles of makeup on one another. This then ensures that we are prepared and have an understanding about as to how our makeup should appear on the day of filming.

After researching into different eye shadow styles, we began to mimic what we saw using Hannah's cosmetics; firstly we attempted to re-create a 'smokey eye effect' , which we felt would be suitable for the representation of the female actors; mysterious, dangerous and seductive. After this style we then practiced creating a more natural yet engaging effect, and this involved using a lighter eye-shadow palette and bolder false eyelashes. After deciding between the two, we agreed that the second style was more suitable as this presented the actors as more glamorous yet mysterious/dangerous. 

Following this we practiced using different shades of lipstick, and both favouring a bright red colour. The reason for preferring this shade was due to the connotations in which the colour red has, for example; being associated with passion, danger, seduction and power. All in which we would like the female actors to be represented. 

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Risk assessment

Risk assessment 

As a pair we have created a risk assessment which has enabled us to discover any possible risks whilst filming this weekend. Therefor by creating this table, we can ensure that all members of the group, actors and equipment are safe. 

Potential hazard
Who is at risk?
Risk rating out of 10
(1-minor &
Likelihood Rating  (1-Not likely & 10-likely)  
Preventative measures
Could trip over the equipment
Any of the production team could easily trip over the equipment, especially if focusing on filming a scene. This would also damage the equipment.
5/10. The severity of the injury would be fairly unpredictable.  
8/10. It is highly likely that when filming, someone could not be looking at the floor and focusing on filming instead. Therefore, you could easily trip over.
To minimise the damage on equipment, our production team and actors, we will ensure that all wires/lose equipment are out of the way where possible, and when walking over the wires, that full attention is payed during any dangerous areas.
Sharp or broken debris
The production team plus the actors. Debris could include; broken glass or abandoned furniture etc. This could be a hazard as anyone could trip and possible sharp edges could be painful to walk into or fall onto.
6-7/10. Again, the severity of the injury would be fairly unpredictable.
4/10. It isn’t that likely that someone could be harmed by this, due to us avoiding all danger immediately.
Ensure that all debris is not accessible and if any sharp edges do pose as a threat, ensure the production team and actor know about it so that they can be cautious when filming in those areas.
Props could harm members if used irresponsibly
Any of the production team or actors, if they are behaving immaturely.
4/10.  The props could harm someone if used forcefully.
3/10. This hazard is fairly unlikely, due to all members being mature and responsible.
This will be prevented due to the actors and production team being mature, and if their behaviour does become immature, then the filming will be stopped and the person will be warned/removed.


Character profiles 


Name: Hannah Farmer
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster
Why chosen: Hannah will feature in the music video due to this project being hers as well as mine, therefore will be available and know's what needs to be included and how to act in front of the camera. In addition, Hannah also has an appropriate costume which will be ideal for the representation in which we are aiming to meet, and she also knows how to style her hair and make-up, which is ideal and will help add to the 'bad girl' representation.

Name: Mollie Ridgard 
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen:  Mollie has been chosen to be a character within in our music video due to her being a close friend, who is available, local and will fit the character criteria once dressed in costume. Mollie was also a media student in the past, therefore she is aware of the camera equipment and how much effort will need to be put into this task, therefore this makes her an ideal member.

Name: Tammy Harris (myself)
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen: I have decided to be in the music video due to perhaps being the most understandable and available member (excluding Hannah). In addition, as this is my project, I am aware of how the characters need to be represented and how the costume and makeup will contribute to this. Furthermore, I know how to use the camera equipment and how to act whilst filming.  

Name: Frankie Kemp
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen: Frankie has been chosen to feature in our media project due to her being a close friend, who lives in the local area and will be easily available for filming. Frankie is also aware of the time and effort that needs to be put into this video, therefore her mature nature will be appropriate. Frankie also has an ideal costume choice and makeup technique, which contribute to the 'bad girl' representation.

Name: Jake Mills 
Age: 18
Role: Male victim 
Why chosen: Jake has been chosen again due to him being a close friend, who lives locally and will be available for filming. Jake is also Frankie's boyfriend, which means that when filming the intimate scene's, both actors will feel at ease. In addition, Jake also has an ideal costume, which will be appropriate for his character's role.  

Monday, 19 September 2016

Props list

The props:

We have decided to use a numerous amount of props which will be relevant to use within the music video. All items will relate to the hip hop genre and our overall gangster theme, and will hopefully add effect and reflect the personalities of the characters. 

Smoke bombs

This is the only prop in which we are currently uncertain about, due to us being unsure about whether we are allowed to set off the coloured smoke in a public environment or not. Therefore we will research into this case and make contact with any services if required. 
If we are allowed to use the smoke, then we aim to include this throughout the video, in different shots. The reason for us wanting to use coloured smoke bombs is due to the eye-catching effect in which they create. We feel that red smoke bombs will help reflect the rebellious attitude and the female actor's dangerous and passion mood. In addition, by placing the smoke bombs on the ground, then smoke will rise around the actor's, and this will make them look mysterious and dangerous.  

smoke inspiration:

Baseball bats 

These will be the main prop used within the music video. We feel that using baseball bat's will help represent the actors as gangsters and therefore will be regularly held by a few members within the group. In addition, baseball bat's are often associated with gang's / gangsters and reckless behaviour, therefore we feel that this prop will have a fairly significant role within the extract and will help create effect. 

Bat inspiration:

Toy guns

Again, this prop hasn't been certainly decided on, due to us trying to save money and questioning whether this prop is vital in the video, if we already have the bats. However, if we do agree, then some members within the group will be presented holding these in certain shots. We felt that the use of plastic guns will again help reflect that actors personalities and due to guns being stereo-typically associated with gangs / gangsters, then this prop could be appropriate to use. We will also take into consideration that using gun's in public may offend some individuals, however, due to us filming in an un-used environment, then it is likely that no member's of the public will be absent in the area. 

gun inspiration:

Wooden chair,black fabric bag and rope

Both these prop will only be used for one scene; which is when the female actor's tie the male victim to a chair and he is presented wearing a bag over his head, so that his identity is remained a secret. We feel that these items will have a significant effect and will engage the audience, due to them possibly questioning as to why the male actor is being tied up. Furthermore, we will use a chair from either mine or Hannah's home and one of our friend's is allowing us to borrow a black fabric bag from them. 

Chair, bag & rope inspiration:


Bubble gum and Shisha smoke

Both of these props will be used within shorter shots. We decided that one of the female actors could be presented blowing a bubble and the audience will see the bubble pop at the same time as the beat drops in the music.In addition, we felt that blowing bubble gum is usually associated with girls and presents them as playful and girly. Furthermore, another girl will be portrayed blowing the shisha smoke out of her mouth during another scene, and again feel that smoke is stereo-typically known to be a bad habit, which is what we want the female actor's to be shown doing. 

Bubble gum & smoke inspiration:

Friday, 16 September 2016

Costume shots


Location recce shots

Location shots

The image above shows a local, un-used train track/station, also known as Toton Sidings. We aim to record our footage within this area due to it being local and fits our ideal description; run-down, empty and quiet. However, due to the site being difficult to enter, we have only taken images from further away. Therefore the weekend coming up, we aim to gain access into the area and take more images of the surroundings. Although, if this isn't possible, then we aim to film our footage in a un-used building located in Nottingham's city center. 





I decided to draw a storyboard, which contains they key information about each shot, for example, who and what will feature in which frame and for how long. I also felt that by creating a storyboard, this will provide us with more time when it comes to filming the actual footage, as we will already know what to film and in what order. Furthermore, the storyboard is also effective as we can become more organised and time efficient in future tasks. 

Ancillary text photography & feedback

Digipak & magazine advert photography 

Thursday, 15 September 2016

Magazine advert feedback


I have asked 5 people for feedback on my magazine advert design; in hope for some advantages and areas in which I could improve upon. 

Question 1: What do you like most about the image/advertisement?

Person 1- 'The use of bold colours. I think that It makes the advert stand out more'.
Person 2- 'I really like how she's holding the baseball bat because It makes the artist and her music look intriguing'.
Person 3-  'Her outfit because she looks cool and trendy'.
Person 4- 'How the artist's name is eye-catching and clear as this is useful for the audience to know'.
Person 5- ' What I like the most is how the album's name is on the baseball bat'.

Question 2: Do you feel that this advert is informative enough?
Person 1- ' I think so, yes. Because it tells you when and how you can purchase the album'.
Person 2- ' Definitely. It tells you all you need to know'. 
Person 3- ' In terms of the genre, yes, I feel this is well advertised by her appearance.'
Person 4- ' Yh because it tells you that it's a new album and where you can buy it from'. 
Person 5- ' I'd say so. Yh'. 

Question 3: Is there anything that you feel could be improved upon?
Person 1- ' Not really. Maybe you could just mention some of the songs featured somewhere'.
Person 2- ' No. I can't really fault it!'.
Person 3- 'Hmm, perhaps you could make the text slightly bigger on the baseball bat so that it's easier to read'.
Person 4- ' I can't think of anything. It's good'.
Person 5- ' I'd say you could maybe include one of the songs that's on it. Just incase someone recognises/likes the song and then thinks they might like the rest of the artist's work'. 

After collecting my feedback, I have taken every response into consideration and I am very pleased with the responses that I have had. Majority of the people I have asked liked the advert and how the artist was presented, and they also felt that the advertisement provided the right amount of information, so that the audience was aware about how/where/when the album could be purchased. The feedback for the third question has made me aware that I could perhaps mention somewhere on the album about some of the songs that are featured. I feel this would be a good idea in terms of the advert being successful at being informative.