Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Character profiles 


Name: Hannah Farmer
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster
Why chosen: Hannah will feature in the music video due to this project being hers as well as mine, therefore will be available and know's what needs to be included and how to act in front of the camera. In addition, Hannah also has an appropriate costume which will be ideal for the representation in which we are aiming to meet, and she also knows how to style her hair and make-up, which is ideal and will help add to the 'bad girl' representation.

Name: Mollie Ridgard 
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen:  Mollie has been chosen to be a character within in our music video due to her being a close friend, who is available, local and will fit the character criteria once dressed in costume. Mollie was also a media student in the past, therefore she is aware of the camera equipment and how much effort will need to be put into this task, therefore this makes her an ideal member.

Name: Tammy Harris (myself)
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen: I have decided to be in the music video due to perhaps being the most understandable and available member (excluding Hannah). In addition, as this is my project, I am aware of how the characters need to be represented and how the costume and makeup will contribute to this. Furthermore, I know how to use the camera equipment and how to act whilst filming.  

Name: Frankie Kemp
Age: 17
Role: Female gangster 
Why Chosen: Frankie has been chosen to feature in our media project due to her being a close friend, who lives in the local area and will be easily available for filming. Frankie is also aware of the time and effort that needs to be put into this video, therefore her mature nature will be appropriate. Frankie also has an ideal costume choice and makeup technique, which contribute to the 'bad girl' representation.

Name: Jake Mills 
Age: 18
Role: Male victim 
Why chosen: Jake has been chosen again due to him being a close friend, who lives locally and will be available for filming. Jake is also Frankie's boyfriend, which means that when filming the intimate scene's, both actors will feel at ease. In addition, Jake also has an ideal costume, which will be appropriate for his character's role.  

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