Thursday, 15 September 2016

Hand-drawn digipik & feedback

Mock up of Digipak and feedback 

Above is an image of my hand-drawn digipak, which will include 6 separate frames. The reason behind this is so that I can provide many images which will all contribute together to form a specific representation of the artist. 

Top left image (album's front cover)- For this image I have drawn a picture of the artist, who's positioned within the center of the frame. This will then be so that the audience's attention is directly focused on her. Due to the use of a mid-shot, this will enable the audience to view the artist's stereotypical hip hop costume and seductive but playful facial expression. At the bottom of the image, I will aim to edit in a black banner, which will present the name of the artist in a serif, colorful font. Furthermore, the name of the album; 'Gangsta', will be featured on the side of the baseball bat, which will be held behind her head. 

Top middle image- In this image a brick wall will be featured, which will also present numerous text, mimicking the idea of graffiti. This could then suggest that the artist's genre is hip hop, rap and  R&B due to graffiti being stereo-typically associated with these genre's.The words included; 'Loyal, respect, peace and trust' I feel are significant due to these words representing the music on the album and what the songs are all about. 

Top right image (album's back)- I decided to present the artist standing on a rooftop/ balcony looking down at the city below. This then represents the artist as almighty and powerful due to her looking down at life. This setting again is stereo-typically associated with the artist's genre and could imply that she grew up in the city. In addition, the featured tracks will appear at the right-hand side of the artist and will be placed against the wall. This then will make it appear that the text is already part of the wall, again referring to the graffiti idea. 

Bottom left and right images - Both of these images will again present the artist in the center of the frame. She will be portrayed wearing a generic hip hop costume/makeup and therefore this will contribute to her representation; a cool, pretty, independent hip hop artist. 

Bottom middle image ( CD disk) - I aim to design a simple but eye-catching CD that will inform the audience about the name of both the artist and the album. This text will be bold purple/pink, serif font that stand out against the plain white background. 

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