The props:
We have decided to use a numerous amount of props which will be relevant to use within the music video. All items will relate to the hip hop genre and our overall gangster theme, and will hopefully add effect and reflect the personalities of the characters.Smoke bombs
This is the only prop in which we are currently uncertain about, due to us being unsure about whether we are allowed to set off the coloured smoke in a public environment or not. Therefore we will research into this case and make contact with any services if required.If we are allowed to use the smoke, then we aim to include this throughout the video, in different shots. The reason for us wanting to use coloured smoke bombs is due to the eye-catching effect in which they create. We feel that red smoke bombs will help reflect the rebellious attitude and the female actor's dangerous and passion mood. In addition, by placing the smoke bombs on the ground, then smoke will rise around the actor's, and this will make them look mysterious and dangerous.
smoke inspiration:
Baseball bats
These will be the main prop used within the music video. We feel that using baseball bat's will help represent the actors as gangsters and therefore will be regularly held by a few members within the group. In addition, baseball bat's are often associated with gang's / gangsters and reckless behaviour, therefore we feel that this prop will have a fairly significant role within the extract and will help create effect.
Bat inspiration:
Toy guns
Again, this prop hasn't been certainly decided on, due to us trying to save money and questioning whether this prop is vital in the video, if we already have the bats. However, if we do agree, then some members within the group will be presented holding these in certain shots. We felt that the use of plastic guns will again help reflect that actors personalities and due to guns being stereo-typically associated with gangs / gangsters, then this prop could be appropriate to use. We will also take into consideration that using gun's in public may offend some individuals, however, due to us filming in an un-used environment, then it is likely that no member's of the public will be absent in the area.
gun inspiration:
Wooden chair,black fabric bag and rope
Both these prop will only be used for one scene; which is when the female actor's tie the male victim to a chair and he is presented wearing a bag over his head, so that his identity is remained a secret. We feel that these items will have a significant effect and will engage the audience, due to them possibly questioning as to why the male actor is being tied up. Furthermore, we will use a chair from either mine or Hannah's home and one of our friend's is allowing us to borrow a black fabric bag from them.
Chair, bag & rope inspiration:
Bubble gum and Shisha smoke
Both of these props will be used within shorter shots. We decided that one of the female actors could be presented blowing a bubble and the audience will see the bubble pop at the same time as the beat drops in the music.In addition, we felt that blowing bubble gum is usually associated with girls and presents them as playful and girly. Furthermore, another girl will be portrayed blowing the shisha smoke out of her mouth during another scene, and again feel that smoke is stereo-typically known to be a bad habit, which is what we want the female actor's to be shown doing.
Bubble gum & smoke inspiration:
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